Li Qiu: The Arrival of Autumn at FPIC

Today marks the arrival of Li Qiu, one of the 24 solar terms in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. Li Qiu (立秋), which literally translates to “the beginning of autumn,” is a significant day in Chinese culture that has been observed for thousands of years. Traditionally, it is seen as the transition point from the heat of summer to the cooler, more temperate days of autumn.

Li Qiu

Understanding Li Qiu

Li Qiu usually falls around August 7th or 8th each year, depending on the solar calendar. It signals the start of autumn, but in many parts of China, the summer heat often lingers, leading to a period commonly referred to as “Autumn Tiger” (秋老虎), where temperatures can still be quite high.


In ancient China, Li Qiu was a day of great significance, often marked by rituals and celebrations. It was a time for farmers to begin preparing for the harvest season, and in some regions, people would weigh themselves and eat special foods to ward off the lingering heat and humidity. This day is also associated with hopes for a bountiful harvest and the transition from the hard work of summer to the more reflective and restful period of autumn.


FPIC’s Commitment to Employee Well-Being

At FPIC, we honor these cultural traditions while also prioritizing the health and well-being of our employees. Despite the start of autumn, the weather can remain hot and uncomfortable. To help everyone stay cool and refreshed, we have prepared Green Bean Soup and Cooling Herbal Tea for all staff members. These traditional Chinese remedies are well-known for their ability to reduce body heat, replenish fluids, and provide relief from the intense temperatures.


Green Bean Soup (绿豆汤) is a popular summer drink in China, valued for its cooling properties. It’s believed to help clear heat, detoxify the body, and prevent heatstroke. Cooling Herbal Tea (解暑茶) is another traditional beverage that often includes ingredients like chrysanthemum and honeysuckle, known for their ability to alleviate summer heat and provide a soothing effect.


Celebrating Li Qiu at FPIC

As we celebrate Li Qiu together, we reflect on the importance of balancing hard work with care for our personal well-being. This is a time for us to appreciate the changing seasons and to take a moment to care for our bodies as we transition from summer to autumn.


Providing these cooling refreshments is just one of the ways we demonstrate our commitment to creating a caring and considerate work environment. We believe that by recognizing and honoring traditional cultural practices, we can foster a sense of community and shared values among our team members.


At FPIC, we recognize the importance of nurturing both the physical and mental well-being of our employees. By celebrating these seasonal changes together and offering thoughtful gestures like cooling refreshments, we aim to create a workplace that values not only productivity but also the happiness and health of our entire team.


We look forward to enjoying this seasonal shift with everyone at FPIC, continuing our journey of growth and success together as we welcome the arrival of autumn with open hearts and a spirit of unity.